It’s been a long time, since I’ve typed out my thoughts on this wonderful bloggity blog, but 2018 seems to be the best time to start up blogging again. Lots of projects are incrementally moving forward, and that’s a good thing. The one truth that I’ve come to realize and just haven’t ever bothered to type out, mostly because it seems so obvious, is that everything you’ve done has already been done before. If you can approach your art, passion project or anything else with that mindset, that can seem pretty brash, offensive or even devastating. But take a step back and take in this next statement — your differential, magic sauce, whatever you want to call it, is to perfect the iteration of what has already been done before. Let that sit for a moment. Keyword: iteration. This is where you tell others how much better your (insert whatever you’re working on) is than what’s currently out there in the marketplace. That’s what you’re the expert at, and that should be your focus, since everything you’ve done has already been done before.